Friday, January 22, 2010

Michael Schmidt acquitted in raw-milk case

Michael Schmidt acquitted in raw-milk case
Finally a small victory for nutrition. Or, at least those who choose to accept milk as beneficial.
I however sit on the fence on this great debate.
Yes, milk in its raw state offers better nutritional elements than pasteurized milk (providing it is bacteria free).
The enzymes in the raw milk are active, enabling improved digestibility and therefore increased nutrition.
We get immune "packets" from milk that are not designed for human beings. They are designed for baby cows - calves.
These therefore become pathogenic to human beings. Meaning, our human immune system is actually put under stress whilst it defends against the bovine immune packets.
We must remember that we are the only species in the animal kingdom that willingly drinks milk beyond the infant stage of life! And further more, we choose to do this from another species!
Perhaps I don't sit on the fence after all.
And what about "milk marketing"?
Where did these guys get thier stats from?
Check this out for marketing (who says sex doesn't sell?).


I love the line: "...some studies suggest teens who choose it tend to be leaner."
What the hell is that supposed to mean!!! And what's this "some studies" crap.
I could write a study suggesting that milk will give you herpes and fit into that "some studies" category!
Come on people, don't buy into this marketing hooplah.
I'm not a conspiracy theory junkie, but I do believe that the milk marketing board and "big pharma" have a little romance going on behind closed doors. 

That said: If one chooses to consume a food or beverage of any kind, they should most definitely consume that beverage in a raw state. This is the only way to receive full nutritional value and enzymatic action.

Anyone want to try and convince me that raw milk is one of the best sources of calcium???

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Lets scrap the niceties shall we??!!

First off. Don't read any of the dribble below this post. Although its all "technically" correct, its all just marketing dribble. Thats not what Im about, nor has it ever been, except for a brief period last year when I thought it better to conform to societal standards. 
This is a new year, and Im bring back the old me. 
A no BS type of guy who expects people to take up a cause and fight. And the cause is simple. Their own health. 
How the hell do you expect to get ahead in the game if all you do is sit there and blame the other guy? What is this soccer? Are you gonna lay down on the field and blame someone else for problems? Remember, when you're laying there, someone else is scoring on your net, and its not some other guy laying on the field either.
Im not saying to tough it up and play the game of life through your pain. We all need to rest and recoup during times of injury or illness. 
What Im saying is: start to accept that you may have played a role in this!
Now doesn't that just make the hair on the back of your neck stand up!
The nerve of this guy eh? Saying that you play a role in your health and well being when everyone else around you throws you a pity party. Oh on!!!
OK Listen. Sure there is a place for genetics, except that its been proven through science to play only a 5% role in disease expression, and even that requires an environmental or perceptual trigger. 
The rest of the cases can usually be pointed to dietary/emotional/spiritual deficiencies or lack of exercise.
In other words - your fault!
Now don't go blaming your mom unless you're under 18 yrs. old or you can't read - in which case, if you are learning from this you must have some way of translating the written word into a form you can understand, so its your fault again!
There are countless books on the market that can give you what Im telling you here (most of which are written by much nicer people then myself by the way!) however you would probably have to have a library like mine to be able to piece it all together.
Its simple really. 
You can either follow along with me as I challenge the way you think about healing yourself, or you can call me an arrogant so-and-so and head on your merry way. 
Either way you've made a choice about who is responsible for YOUR health.
Catch ya on the rebound (to wellness)! I hope.