Monday, September 29, 2008

...and yet, the beginning.

As an author of nutritional research articles, I find it only fair to share my studies with those who seek a better way.
The following is the first of, many yet to come, articles surrounding the fields of Nutrition and Energy Medicine.
Please enjoy and reap what information you require to live a better way...

Allergy and Intolerance Elimination

For many centuries Eastern medicine has worked with energy pathways called meridians. Some cultures refer to this energy as Chi, Ki, or Prana. In fact many of us have encountered the manipulation of this energy in common practices today. Tai Chi for example is the manipulation of Chi energy through a meditative movement, not unlike a slower version of a martial art. Reiki is another form of energy work, where the practitioner focuses Ki energy in certain pathways that are not as strong as they should be, thereby enhancing and opening up the vital force energy that the body thrives on.

The meridians that this energy flows through are microscopic corridors between cell spaces. They measure only about a micron (1/1000 of a millimeter). This energy corridor system is the first system to develop in a fetus, and influences the development of all other systems in the body. It is these meridians that supply the vital life force energy that give each organ and operating system within the body its vitality.

If interference occurs within one or more of these meridian corridors, vitality is lost from the organ or system that that meridian supports. Because the body operates harmoniously, much like an orchestra, if one section isn’t playing at its best, the whole orchestra sounds “off”. 

As humans, we don’t like to experience discomfort. Whether it be in the form of an emotion, or a physical ailment, it’s not something we enjoy, so a sub-conscious part of our mind withdraws from it. It’s in this “withdrawing” that a stricture, or complete “block” in a meridian corridor can occur. Although the term “block” sounds like it is impenetrable or immovable, this is not the case at all. In fact, I like to refer to a block as a type of light switch. A light switch is simply a block in an energy we call electricity (note: you could also partially block electricity with a dimmer, similar to a partially blocked meridian). Just like that light switch, all one has to do is to flick the switch back to the on position.

Although there are scientific instruments that measure subtle energy fields, it is not necessary to know where they are to release them. You must however, know what the block is resisting.

The body has an innate ability to supply answers that the conscious mind is not aware of. These answers can be provided to a practitioner seasoned in the art of muscle testing.

Once the client knows what the blocks are resisting, then they themselves can begin to remove these blocks.

An allergy is an acquired immune response to a substance that does not normally cause a reaction. It may be triggered in someone through contact, inhalation, ingestion, or injection.

It is possible for a sensitive person to acquire an allergy to almost any substance, including the pheromones (a chemical) of their own spouse.

In every allergy, blocks affecting meridians precede and cause the immune response. When these blocks are released, the allergy disappears.

Intolerances act very similar to allergies, with the exception of the immune histamine response. In fact, for many years the medical community dismissed the presence of intolerances because they were not measurable. Intolerances are defined as either: a body limitation, such as those that are inborn errors of metabolism or enzymatic deficiencies; or a perceived limitation that the body creates as a false belief pattern. Either limitation is a block that can be released.

The body has the capability to both create and then destroy what it creates. Such is the case with allergies and intolerances. To learn more about allergy/intolerance elimination, or to make an appointment, contact:

SpiritSong Nutrition Inc.

135 Brant St. Oakville, Ontario

L6K 2Z8


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